Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Boys, Bubbles and Balls

Sometimes the simplest things can keep a child entertained for a long time. I find that true with bubbles and balls. the kids love blowing bubbles and could do it for hours, except for the fact that they spill more out than they blow. Balls, they love them! Whether it is throwing them or kicking them or rolling them around. Everyone loves playing with balls. None of us like all the bugs outside. I am ready for them all to go away.
Pretty girl just chillin. The boys blowing bubbles. There are bubbles in this picture.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Where did our summer go?

As summer goes away, I notice the warmer jackets being brought for the kids. Soon, it will be snow pants, boots, hats and gloves. YUCK!! Monday was a beautiful day, so we took advantage of it and went outside at 2:30 and we were outside until most of the kids were picked up at 5:00. We took a walk, went to the park and played in the back yard. We ate our snack
outside, and the kids had a blast!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Teddy Bear Day!

A close up shot. She wanted the camara.

Wed. Sept. 10, 2008 was national Teddy Bear Day. We had a teddy bear parade and did some teddy bear colors sheets. The kids brought a teddy bear from home. They all had fun and then had a special friend to nap with.
Next week will start our change in letters. We will be learning letter "B" and the color blue. I hope the weather continues to be nice so we can keep going outside, taking trips to the library and parks.
Wed. of next week will start our Storytime to go program. It should be a lot of fun!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Upcoming events

Last week we started our letter "A" and color RED. We are also learning sign language for each letter. This week will will keep working on "A" and RED. We will be taking a trip to the library this week and we will be playing outside everyday, weather permitting. Next week our Story time to go program starts. I am looking forward to that, it should be a lot of fun! This week is "Teddy Bear" week. I will be having the kids bring a teddy bear from home on Wed. and we will be doing activities with their Teddy Bears.